60 years old female came to OPD with chief complaints of SOB,loose stools,vomitings and for followup Dialysis
A 60 year old Female,a resident of Choutuppal presented to OPD with CHIEF COMPLAINTS: SOB since 8days and pedal edema since 8days,vomitings and loose stools from 2days History of Present Illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 days back then she developed shortness of breath since 8 days (insidious in onset and gradually in progression, associated with orthopnea,not associated with wheeze) Later, she developed pedal edema (insidious in onset and gradually in progression and extended upto knee,which is pitting type (which was subsided after dialysis) history of loose stools(4-5)episodes(mucoid and foul smelling) since 2days, history of vomiting since 2days(non projectile and non billous in nature) No history of fever, headache, abdominal pain, burning micturition PAST HISTORY: History of HTN and CKD since 6 years for which she was on medication History of DM (she got to know on 9/6/22) No history of asthma, thyroid abnormality, epilepsy TIME LINE OF ILLNESS: PERS...