39 year old male patient presents to casualty with complaints of shortness of breath
A 39 year old male came to the casualty around 10 pm with Chief complaints of sob since 3 days. Fever since 10 days Cough since 10 days Chest pain since 10 days Pain abdomen since 10 days HOPI : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back, then he developed fever associated with chills and body pains, headache, sore throat. Patient had cough which was productive with white coloured sputum. Then patient got tested positive for Widal after 4 days of onset of fever. He used symptomatic medication for a week. Then, he developed SOB since 3 days for which he got admitted in Nalgonda. SOB was insidious in onset, gradually progressed from grade 2 to grade 4 since past 10 days, SOB was more in sitting position and relieved on lying down, as his SOB aggravated, patient got shifted from that hospital and presented to our casualty. Patient also used to complain of intermittent chest pain, pain abdomen since 15 days Past History : Admitted to a hospital for pain abdomen for 4...