1801006032 SHORT CASE
28 years old male presented to OPD CHIEF COMPLAINTS : 1) Generalised weakness since 2 weeks 2)Shortness of breath since 2 weeks 3)Easy fatigability since 2 weeks HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 weeks back then he developed generalised weakness insidious in onset, gradually progressive Shortness of breath of grade 2 which is insidious onset, which is grade 2 (NYHA classification) - slight limitation of activity -ordinary activity results in fatigue) ,no aggrevating and no relieving factors Easy fatigability present No c/o fever, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, pain abdomen, blood in stools, loose stools, sweating PAST HISTORY : Not a known case of DM/HTN/TB/Epilepsy/Thyroid abnormalities/Asthma PERSONAL HISTORY: Decreased appetite since 5-6 months Takes vegetarian diet Bowels and bladder habits are regular sleep is regular No addictions FAMILY HISTORY: No significant family history TREATMENT HISTORY: No signific...